The Seat Belt
Although the first seat belt was patented in 1885, it wasn't until 1949 that the first American automobile company began offering it as an option for their vehicles. Swedish car manufacturers Saab and Volvo were the first to offer a quality restraining device standard on their vehicles, in 1958 and 1959 respectively.
Seat belts are in many way the golden standard in auto safety. They hold the passenger in place, preventing secondary impacts and collisions. Perhaps even more importantly, they prevent the passenger from being ejected. Ejections almost always end in fatalities, so preventing them is important to reducing automobile deaths.
The Airbag
The airbag is an flexible bag meant to inflate quickly upon a collision with the intent of cushioning passengers from hitting objects in the car, such as the steering wheel or the windshield. Although the airbag was invented in the early 1950s, it did not become common equipment until the 1970s, when General Motors began including it on some of its vehicles.
In recent years, airbags have become more advanced, with many upper-tier vehicles coming with curtain airbags, airbags which surround much of the interior to prevent blunt injury. Airbags are not meant to replace seat belts and should only be used in conjunction with other devices.
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