Vintage cars are generally defined as cars manufactured till the end of the First World War. There are some variations though, as the cut-off is 1925 in America whereas it is 1930 in Britain. Cars were in a state of transition during the vintage period hence particular models are rarities which are worth collecting. People with a strong sense of history or an affiliation with that time period are generally interested in vintage cars. Due to the great demand for vintage cars they are pretty expensive, especially if they are maintained in a great condition. The time period of vintage cars is characterized by the introduction of many features which made the cars more comfortable and heralded the transition in automobiles. These features include the likes of Antifreeze; to allow cars to be used all year round, four-wheel braking, as well as the use of hydraulically actuated brakes and power steering; for better handling. Octane rating of fuel was also introduced to enable people to compare between fuels.

Classic cars are cars that may belong to a period a little later than that of vintage cars but the exact period for these cars is not clearly defined. The Classic Car Club of America, however, holds that only cars manufactured before 1948 can be deemed to be classic. The club maintains a list of all classic cars and members can file a petition to include other cars in the list, after scrutiny from the club. Classic cars are generally expensive with factors such as engine displacement, custom coachwork and luxurious accessories affecting the price. For the Classic Car Club of America the cars recognized as classics were built in limited quantity and were relatively expensive when they were new. They are said to represent a pinnacle of engineering, styling and design of that era hence their categorization as classics according to the club.
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