Left hand drive and only sold in limited numbers in the UK, it has distinctive looks and this makes Fiat Barchetta Weird, but strangely appealing. Offering old styling with cracking reliability and an excellent spares backup. Started life with a 1600cc engine and then enlarged to 1800cc. Sports Cars Mazda MX5 A brilliant two seater soft top which has a huge fan base for the original Mk1s with the popup headlamps.

Except this time, the talk isn't of Morris Minors and Triumph Heralds (although we love them, of course) it's about what will make the classic cars of the future? Others have found some spare cash, gone out and bought a Mk1 Golf GTi Campaign and are now firmly in the mindset of the classic car fan. Some people think, with some justification that the car they've had for 20 years might now qualify for a great classic car insurance deal. They're fetching £8,000 on eBay, the internet forums are alive with people trying to track down a model for themselves, and for the 30-somethings who were teenagers living in the 80's, it's made them realize that the cars they loved then could be classic cars of tomorrow. And while Hunt's completely un PC view of the world makes compelling viewing, it's undoubtedly the Quattro that's become the star of the show.
The man who said the magic line Ray, fire up the Quattro is Gene Hunt, a fictional detective in 'Ashes To Ashes a TV series set in 1980's Britain and he drives a bright red Audi UR Quattro.
The man who said the magic line Ray, fire up the Quattro is Gene Hunt, a fictional detective in 'Ashes To Ashes a TV series set in 1980's Britain and he drives a bright red Audi UR Quattro.
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