
Senin, 16 Januari 2012

Old Cars Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder Coupe 2003

2003 mitsubishi eclipse spyder convertible2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder Pictures

The 2009 Mitsubishi Eclipse is available This may or may not be a plus for potential buyers. The GT also boasts new HID headlights. Also new in all models is the redesigned front and rear. New is the dual exhaust for the GT that will slightly increase the horsepower. While there is no hybrid on the Mitsubishi Eclipse horizon, there are some new changes in store for buyers of the 2009 model year. I was told that this wasn't something that the company was currently interested in seeing on the showroom floor. The car interested me so much that I actually contacted Mitsubishi to inquire about it and to query if there was any chance that the concept could be revived. Unfortunately it was shelved in 2006.

2003 mitsubishi eclipse spyder sale2003 Mitsubishi Eclipse Spyder Parts

It was incredibly stylish and environmentally sound. In 2005, Mitsubishi introduced a concept Eclipse that was a gas electric hybrid. The extra ground clearance made the car as perfect as it could get. That problem was taken care of in 2003. It was so low to the ground that the front bumper often caught on parking blocks or the curb. If there was a downside to the Mitsubishi Eclipse it would have to have been the ground clearance. Even back then the Eclipse was outstanding on gas consumption. While gas mileage wasn't a big issue at the time, it is now. It was sleek, elegant and one hot little sports car. When I purchased my first Mitsubishi Eclipse more than a decade ago I was blown away by the quality of the automobile.

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