A five door Testimony to the rightness of the Toyota RAV4's original design is shown by how little the vehicle has changed since its introduction in 1994. Perhaps imitation is the sincerest form of flattery? You only have to look at the plethora of imitating sports/lifestyle 4x4s that have followed in the Toyota RAV4's chunky wheel tracks.

It had avoided delivering a me too product of the eighties and instead produced a truly original product for the nineties. Toyota had taken its time in studying the European and UK markets before launching the Toyota RAV4. What the public saw was relatively simple, light and robust urban 4x4 of monocoque design a construction technique usually reserved for passenger cars and not 4x4s with three doors, powered by a 2.0 litre 16v petrol engine with permanent four wheel drive and either manual or automatic transmissions. It was worth the wait.
Indeed, a completely remodelled car was shown at the Tokyo Show in 1993 and the Toyota RAV4 finally appeared in its final production form at the Geneva Show in 1994 the first time Toyota had chosen Europe to give a world unveiling to one of its production cars. From the first briefings which would create its radical styling in 1986 to the appearance of a concept car at the Tokyo Motor Show in 1989, the gestation period for this trend setting sports 4x4 was a long one. Quite simply, the UK 4x4 market has never been the same since Toyota RAV4 was launched Recreational Activity Vehicle four wheel drive in 1994.
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