In this way they could also demonstrate that even back during the first compact The Opel classic experts were so fascinated by the 3.62 meter long study that they came up with the idea of producing the Strolch 70 years after its was initially developed. But prototypes of the roadster were not included. Ready for printing, the brochure proudly presented the technical details of the Strolch powertrain 1.1 liter displacement, 23 hp, three speed transmission, maximum speed 98 km/h.

But evidently Opel was already well prepared for the market launch, as evidenced by a brochure found in old archive records. The old minutes from a management meeting indicate that this project wasn't pursued due to a scarcity of steel before WWII and to relatively low numbers of units in this segment. The chic, charming roadster never made it to series production. The name of the car is noted on the pictures that were found. Opel Kadett Two Seat Strolch, which means vagabond. Opel classic car experts' research shows that Opel engineers built the prototype of a two seat convertible in 1938, evidently based on the first Opel compact class generation, the Opel Kadett from the 1930's.
As the company prepares the start of the 10th compact class generation with the new Opel Astra, pictures of an unfamiliar Opel roadster were discovered in an old data base. Over so many years, some developments are forgotten along the way and reappear again much later down the road. With an automotive history spanning 110 years, Opel is one of the most tradition rich brands in the industry.
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